Care Provider: Send Notices To Multiple CareApp Communities At Once | Multi Org Notice
If you are an Administrator or Coordinator in multiple CareApp communities you can send a notice to multiple CareApp communities at one time.
Please follow the steps below to send a notice today.
1. Log in to an Administrator or Coordinator account.
2. Tap on the +New menu.3. Choose "Notice" from the menu.
4. Fill in the title and description for the notice.
5. Choose the CareApp communities you would like to post this notice.6. Choose the user groups you would like to send the notice.
7. Select a time frame you would like to keep the notice pinned to the notice section at the top of the feed.
8. Attach files/ star the image file to be the announcement preview.9. Send notice - this will send the notice to all organisations chosen in step 5 above.